New Year's Resolutions for Your Website

This year, resolve to whip your website into shape. We've compiled this top 5 list for keeping your site fresh in 2009.

internet.jpg1. Add new, relevant content. A stale website is about as inviting as stale bread. Adding fresh content not only gives users a reason to visit your site more frequently, but can increase your search engine rankings, too. If your site isn't easy to update, talk to us about installing a content management system like Movable Type. (More about Movable Type)

2. Blog. This can tie directly to resolution #1. A blog can be a great way to add fresh content to your site, and can also help you relate to your customers on a more personal level. Use a blog to share insight into a particular topic, react to news and show users you're connected. Blogs are often written in a more informal style, which can help you or your organization seem friendly and approachable. (More about blogs)

3. Reach out to your users. This year, consider sending an email newsletter. This is a simple way to position yourself as an expert in your field and stay in touch with your clients. Email newsletters are also far less expensive than most traditional marketing campaigns. (More about email newsletters)

4. Incorporate video and/or podcasts. Video can add energy to your website while highlighting your services. Your videos can be informational, demonstrate a product or showcase client testimonials. (More about video) Podcasting is the on-demand delivery of audio or video files from the internet onto the desktop or portable media player. It's easy for your users to sign up to receive the podcast, and they can view or listen to your message at their own convenience. It's targeted, requested advertising. (More about podcasts)

5. Be on the look out for expired content. Even worse than stale content, expired content includes information or links that are no longer relevant or no longer function. Resolve to comb through your site periodically to ensure your content hasn't expired. If you have a calendar or event listing, be vigilant about purging items once they've passed. Be sure to click links on your site from time to time to confirm the links still work and the external websites are still worth a look.

If you're ready to create or update your online presence this year, Heideldesign can help. Let's talk.