Adding a Podcast to Your Website

Podcasting has become a must-have targeted advertising tool. Find out how you can add a Podcast to your website to increase your "expert" quotient and gain new clients, customers or supporters.

mediaplayer-podcast.jpgCommunicating with your website visitors on a personal level is of the utmost importance. In our previous articles, we've discussed using a weblog (or simply "blog") to speak to visitors in your own words to express your viewpoints. The logical next step is to use your actual voice and likeness.

What is Podcasting?
Podcasting is the on-demand delivery of audio or video files from the internet onto the desktop or portable media player. As a content producer, you can make your own audio podcast (like a radio show) or video podcast (like television) that communicates directly with people interested in your business, product or service. It's easy for your users to sign up to receive the podcast, and they can view or listen to your message at their own convenience. It's targeted, requested advertising.

It's also easy for you to create your own podcasts, with the right help. We know that amateur web design produces amateur returns. The same can be said for your podcast. Having a professional help you get started (or produce the content for you) will save you time learning technology and get your podcast online faster.

Podcast Consultants
Finding a professional podcasting consultant may seem like a major undertaking. By working with Heideldesign on your website and marketing efforts, we will put you in touch with the premier talents in the podcasting world to produce effective, on-point podcasts for your consumers.

Heideldesign recommends Morley Studios in Portland Oregon for your podcasting needs. We welcome them into the consultancy space after producing very succesful podcasts on a variety of topics, with thousands of regular subscribers. They have the experience that you need in this brand new area of media production meets advertising.