Lee Heidel

Heideldesign "Jiggles" From Virginia Earthquake

Savannahnow.com's story on the Great Earthquake Shake of 2011 featured quotes from Heideldesign CEO Lee Heidel. The Virginia-based quake scored a 5.8 on the Richter Scale and we felt our fifth floor downtown-Savannah office sway as the vibrations made their way down the coastline. Relevant bits are excerpted below; but you can read the entire article here at Savannahnow: Earthquake Jiggles Savannah

Just around the corner on Johnson Square, Lee Heidel started to feel nauseous as he stared at his computer screen.

"I couldn't tell if I was moving or the screen was moving or a little bit of both," said Heidel, a Web developer who was working on coding just before 2 p.m.

He asked his wife and co-worker at Heideldesign, Ginger, if she felt anything.

"I didn't preface it with anything so as to not influence her, but she said, 'Yeah, something's weird,'" he said.

After Ginger noticed the blinds slowly shaking they joked it was an earthquake, but attributed it more to construction on nearby Ellis Square. It wasn't until he opened Twitter a half hour later and saw a flood of earthquake-related posts that they realized it was no joke.